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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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so shockey do on, on active is on the crisis in guns. what is happening today is happening on our watch and years from now. there will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on scripted part one on on disease, the displace palestinians slee southern guns are by their thousands, while israel intensifies the tax on or off on the 0 then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is houses 0 live from don't also coming up. bombs were falling in the neighborhood where we are within a distance of less than 500 meters away from the supposedly safe house. that foot tower searches and positions at risk across the strip hospitals are being pushed to
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breaking points with no access to fuel or medical supplies. and other captive dies gaza as families of these relays being held in the strip demand that their government and to and flash floods. devastating parts of northern afghanistan un says more than $3300.00 people in the there's heavy fighting in the southern most areas of the gaza strip as the as really military expands its ground operation in rasa. this is happening despite the international condemnation of his really actions in rasa, even from its closest allies. earlier on saturday, israel's military ordered more residents of eastern rasa to flee. un says, a $150000.00 palestinians have now left the selves. most of them having been displaced several times already called us 3 times and the neighbors came and said,
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get out quickly. we sent an evacuation order for the entire area. what should we do here? do we wait until we all die on top of each other? so we decided to name it's better. so to pursue him, we are forcibly leading up to the occupation all me threatened us through re quoted clothes and in a post published on facebook, we are leaving because of it and due to collision, we are leaving for the unknown. and there are no safe areas, a tool, all the areas left are unsafe. now many are fleeing to darrell obama that's in central gaza. they are arriving to these overcrowded, makes shift camps and an area wrecked by months of environment and even their, your strikes continue. at least 30 bodies have been taken to the city's main hospital after a tax on several homes overnight. but right what the girls had really here, they are in pieces. here's my sister in law without ahead. my and also without
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a head. what does this i'm just as, until when will this be going on? we're exhausted. my god, we're exhausted. i've been living in a tent for the past 7 months. i've never lived in attempt before. we're not cut out for this. the women of palestine, we're not cut out for this one else's ears hurting my mood is in darrow, by loud side. alexa, hospital and honey. a short while ago you saw more victims arrive, victims of is really bombardments in there about yes. then the hospital is still in a state of chaos as more of the injuries who arrive to the hospital are not getting the treatment is supposed to get to save lives. but it goes fast, visit quite exhausted the working for the past 7 months and the on the ongoing. good. so now move injury is just put more of pressure in it in top of the extreme lack of medical supply that are not just totally right now to save more lives.
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literally we're seeing injuries on the floor of the hospital. the situation is that the hospital are getting out of control and with the lack of the fuel soon enough, we're hours away from the hospital making a decision. i already made a decision of shutting down some of the major departments and services i provided for patients. an injury, there is a state of emergency going on right now, and it's not only the injuries, but also the hundreds of people are pouring into the hospital right now. these are displaced families who do not have a place simply to stay in or shelter. and just. 5 just to remind or who are the top just happened within the past couple hours was you know, dan, uh that's a sophisticated is really a top shit targeted at town that is made of a plastic. it's a mixture of tense for your family at this waste family was inside and it was only hours before their arrival. after evacuation after evacuated from grove city, all the way towards the wide area that the western part of the central area, they ended up in a plastic bags here the 3 children,
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one of from the targeted tents and 2 from the surrounding areas. all of them happened to be children. it's just the situations are evolving into much more complex of events. right now. they're more people are refusing to stay in these evacuations on through the setup tense. they're literally poured into the courtyard of the hospital. right now. there is complete mistrust right now with anything that has to do with evacuations on narrative. a hunting for the palestinians who was left off who had been forced to evacuate their homes, or their shelters in rasa, and had fled towards where you are. those who haven't been targeted by strikes or bombardments. what do they arrived to do? they find shelters? do they find a place to stay? you know, the majority of people in and up industry is that there are no enough to play. is
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the capacity of the city is not enough, it doesn't, it doesn't allow for more people to be accommodated. literally before the evacuation of rough i city, there were 1000 of displaced families already flipped the world. this war from the northern part of from garza city, were recently from the northern part of the central area, mainly from a nobody right refuge account. and from tanya in the city, the, the city is already packed with evacuating displays. families of right now, the 1st evacuation orders has already effected a 160000 people. the new evacuation order just within the past few hours, according to on what is going to affect the $300000.00 more displaced individuals all the way pouring into the centrally. or there is a warning and alarm going on that the situation is getting to become more dire, more catastrophic human historian situation in light of the ongoing, the closure of both roads are crossing and these are the current mobile sounding
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reprocessing. and that they've been going on for the 5th day in a row with no humanitarian aid, but typically we're talking about right now. food supplies, medical supply, much needed right now. but more importantly, the lifeline of hospitals, the fuels that is going to be really affecting the health facilities like the ones behind me right here at laptops, hospital. yeah. hospitals like deluxe and the other hospitals, across the strip tour on their last legs because they have only a few drops. few liters, if you will left at this stage, houses here is honey, my mood reporting from their umbrella. thank you very much. let's take a closer look at the situation in southern gaza. so on friday is really forces dropped leaflets of the south eastern part of rafa, district ordering people to leave an earlier on saturday. the is really military issued, a 2nd evacuation order for neighborhood. east of our office city is comes out to reports of heavy funding in the district. now the area is just marked in blue. here is where is really forces are now stationed. most i'm nicer is the chief executive officer at foster scientific and non profit chat with your organization. he and his
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team are providing assistance to the european hospital. this one is in russia, and they are now trapped. we were operating for the 1st week, but with no problems. and then the, the military operations started an eastern rough. uh uh, but then it started trickling further west. uh, where our safe house supposedly was. uh and uh, this morning we received the uh, evacuation orders from a block 6 and dropped off for our safe house that is no longer safe to evacuate. so we had to interrupt our work at the hospital, then go back and pick them our stuff from the unsafe house and bring it back to the are being hospitalized. all of our medical supplies, food supplies, water and everything, bring it to to the european hospital. in fact, when the operation started about 3 or almost 4 days ago, now, our understanding was then the military operation is
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a centered on eastern part of rasa. but we have what we have experience is seen as completely otherwise. in fact, the bombs were falling in the neighborhood where we are within a distance of less than 500 meters away from the supposedly safe house, the tower searches and physicians at the risk. we have uh, 12 us citizens. we have 3 brothers citizens living addiction citizen and also uh, from 11 position from online. so we felt unsafe in the, supposedly the conflicted house or the safe house. and uh, we could read for nice because of the continuous indiscriminate bombing in the area . a spokesman for hamas is ongoing, aka, some brigades has announced the depth of one of the captive held in gaza. beta says it's 51 year old and not a couple of well, who holds british citizenship died as a result of injury suffered in and is really airstrike earlier added. the purple well was unable to receive treatment for his injuries because of israel's continued
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targeting of hospitals. as the families of the captives have held a press conference in tel aviv protesting the lack of a deal to free the captives. if we continue down this path, we will lose not only the hostages, but the country itself. antonio is not only dobbs decal, preventing us from getting go. 2 who wants to just back? he's also dobbs, the coal, preventing the state of israel from succeeding. the government does not care about the hostages. it is leading the entire country toward destruction. stop cooperating with them. rescue the hostages and save the state of israel. let's go to our correspondence alpha 0. stephanie deca. stephanie, you're joining us from the jordanian capital amman, because the is really government as we know his band out as you were from israel. so reporting from outside israel look,
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you heard what the captives relatives said. this was just a short while ago in tel aviv right on the heels of that. how mos announcement that as we were discussing last hour seems, seems designed to keep up the pressure on these really public. and therefore, indirectly on the is really go it's absolutely, there's been increasing pressure on net and yahoo over the months, really to bring the captive is about to strike a deal at whatever cost. and this is the pools that you'll hear. it will. so tonight, until i be for sure, just an under off an hour, the protests will be kicking off their the weekly protests has been going on for months to try and keep the pressure on this government. they're not reacting to that cool, which is a to resign. you heard they are from one of the captives family saying, you know, this government at the priority is not the captive. she said there can be no victory without the return of the captives. the way this government sees that net
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and yahoo and his allies in government is that there can be no victory and goals without that offer. which is why you have this jewel game at the moment the left end. yahoo is playing that. he has a right while we are going into that offers. so he's appeasing the right in his cabinet. that keeps him politically alive and as prime minister. but he's saying, but we will continue the negotiations truck. so he's somewhat appeasing the americans, even though we know the americans getting increasingly frustrated with the policies of benjamin netanyahu. so he's playing a dual problem game, but certainly when it comes to the hot man, you've been looking at the pictures over the last 48 hours of the absolute hell that it is for palestinians. they are having now to move again and again. and there is no end in sight to this war. and what is really public majority is quoting, for particularly when these videos are released of the captive, is that enough? is enough that it is time to bring the captive so many, even from, from her. she said, you know, end the war or else is there
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a stephanie deca. thank you very much. stephanie, a reporting there from amman, jordan outside israel because of course, israel has shut down alpha 0 within the country. now security has been stepped up in the swedish city of mountain, the head of the finals of the eurovision song contest. thousands of protesters have gathered to oppose. israel's participation in the event they want is really contesting to be disqualified because of the one goes on. a similar demonstration withheld on thursday for reese in mount is in mel. note where the revision contest is taking place. a poll, your vision is supposed to be a political, it's supposed to be all about, you know, it's supposed to be artistic, all about the singing. i see palestinians flag, housing and flags behind you this year, regardless of what happens on stage. clearly the that the, you know, the, the run up to it is everything but a political yes, absolutely. you know, the people trusting union, the hardest to,
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or vision certainly wants it to be seen as a bullet. so they have set the, the reason that they're not fully nicole. all you thousands of demonstrations, hey, i should be bundled from the revision something come test based upon the concept is in political for the probably just as a point to the fact that russia was born from the eurovision song contest after the stops of the war. you frame so why is, is around all i want to produce. and one of those that demonstrates some of this for a large protests and we've been following the 3 mile by today. hi kayla. nadine, a kindly okay with your your young daughter. why is it been important to you to come in today and to show my support with the augusta and the 1st and foremost, the sales rep on the children being murdered for just 0 reason. now some of the strong sales and support of jobs are following the, the,
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to as long as a mom i football team chance. what do you, what's your impression of how much mama is behind this? and do you agree with, mom i sitting stands in actually how do you think you are? i think it is crazy. is most thinking revision even though and what's going on in the world. i think it will be a reasonable decision. and i think that the civilians and the population of the realize how important that is and where to go with the people and we are against inside another to tell some union that a ranges or vision headsets. that's israel. i protest that hasn't broken any of these rules. how do you compare that to the attitude with russian? and i think it's crazy because versa didn't break. hospice,
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many rules us israel house and they are still allowed to participate. well, why in the restaurant lessons? and so i think it's just insane. phillip entertaining, thank you very much. now this demonstration will continued as another demonstration plan for mama rena way. israel's entry uh 8 and july and will be performing in new york vision. final lights on maurice. thank you very much. i us more protest in solidarity with the palestinians. have been taking place across europe in amsterdam, thousands, march to call for an end to the genocide and guys. on thursday, similar protested escalated into violence when the police arrested several people in central amsterdam and other rally took place in the german city of dusseldorf. hundreds turned out to call for an end to the violence in gaza under the motto, freedoms of palestine. and in manchester, protesters march to demand the b. u. k. government stopped funding as well as
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devastating one guy. still a head on else 0 or the northern hemisphere. they did a light show was a massive solar storm the the color. we got some fairly heavy rain on the cards for the current financial and japan over the next couple of days to powder as well as you to at the moment. high pressure not too far away, but, but we'll slip out into the water is allowing this with a feature this co front sinking is wife or the south was becoming quite expensive across central plaza. china will have you show us across the pots of southern china for a time. you see that same line of town and right by sunday does make his way across q c, western pulse of japan. it moves by the race, was it still somewhat?
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and i just wanted to close some disruption, there will be some fairly heavy right. and the likelihood of some flooding, but price is guys to come back in behind this we go into the early part of next week. i try brought to whether cost, much of eastern china and even down towards the south, $1.00 o 2 showers, either getting squeeze down across indo china. some live the showers here. so the hate to buy things somewhat $1.00 to $2.00 showers to into the philippines. again. i will just note the head on the temperatures here that are push the showers across some eliza, indonesia brought us guys down towards the south. rochester. i was to across much of south asia over the next few days, a game, helping to know the head on the temperatures. hey, we got some lobby showers, and so ne and the bung with this many positive central and eastern india also seeing some funder showers of the love within viewed 14 years of enforced separation. they miss their children growing up in miss all of the things that i'm doing my to
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a son who fault for his parents, freedom from incarceration for their role and a rather cool black revolutionary group of anything that's worth fighting for the fight for it and send you a chance, it is worth it. growing together, a witness documentary on the jersey to the you're watching l to 0 reminder about top stories this hour. these really military has expanded his ground operation in the southern. most areas of the gaza strip. desperate families have been sleeping. easton, rough uh after another is really order you and says
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a 150000 people. i fled the south so far as his arm. dwayne has announced the death of the british national health captive in gaza, saying that he died each and his really are striking families of the captives have held a press conference until it leaves denouncing the absence of a deal to bring camp difficult protests and solidarity with the palestinians have taken place across europe and amsterdam, thousands of march to cold for an end to the genocide of gaza, where the manchester people rally to demand their government stopped funding israel . their vin, us media reports that israel has built a secret torture facility and then they get the desert 3 is really whistle blowers have come forward to describe the harsh conditions, including detainees, being blindfolded, strapped down once and forced to wear diapers. in april he is really newspaper horwitz, had reported the testimony evidence really, doctor who said, quote, were all completed and breaking the law. and alger 0, it has reported, that's the heart rate's report. and al jazeera has reported multiple 1st hand
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accounts of abuse of palestinians and is really facilities over the years. bear with national was that we were blindfolded impatient, badly as riley forces accused us of carrying and using weapons like to. they transferred us to an army camping as rail delete. the adults unite on us and some sand on us unable to reach in to shoot us after 2 hours of being half naked in such conditions and moved us a few maces and told us to get ready for execution. not most of the minute i feel pain everywhere on my body. they forced us to bend on our knees for hours, they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by how much. i told them i'm 70 years old and i know nothing about these matters. they hit me a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions for my. oh, what the more you spent the 1st 3 days without food was that we would not allowed to go to the toilet. so we were beaten harshly over the 1st 3 days. after that,
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they moved us to another place to some new methods. a talk show of to a 3 day stop ation. they gave us a meal that's not even enough for child bustle for us as an assistant professor bureaus 8 university and occupied east jerusalem. he says palestinian prisoners have been subjected to a systematic torture for decades. it's actually, it confirms what but as the names have not been saying, i mean, but it's to mean to, to use. but it's thing in human rights organizations, including on demand, for instance, our shop and others have been lovely and for a long time seeing that torture is not only practiced inside the state it presents . but it's systematic that the dates actually to the existence of this volume and state. no, no, this isn't the reports, and particularly cnn support of this month. it actually shows the cruelty and, and the conditions under which but i didn't get any use that had been, had to be talking about and intensification of the door to the practices that had been used against. but as community needs, including us, you have mentioned
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a while ago in the system. i think, i think a negligence policy that has been practiced, including, as well as a systematic start of vision, being sort of which but is taking into denise leave. prison haven't lost 2029th 30 kilograms. have been worried. but it's also showing the complicity. and this is also an aspect that has long been set by, but i just didn't, didn't use the complicity of is of, is there any medical association including doctors, of course, and nurses in aiding and abetting the thoughts or practices that had been long practice? i guess i just didn't get business well, so let's not, let's not forget that it at least 18, but his spinning detainees have been killed in such a presence since the war began, including dr. and then bush lisk in this month, which is sending us again that these practices have been, have been testified. this is been 2 years since i was a 0 journalist sharina. luckily was killed history and is really military rate in the janine refugee camp,
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an independent investigation confirmed that she was shot in the neck by and is really sniper. sharlene was palestinian american, the us government agreed with the findings, but no charges have been brought. there's been no accountability for her killing the same as for avi, has more from ramallah and the occupied west back the. c may 11 2022. janine refugee camp in the occupied was a journalist and nice life list below a treat for friends, desperately trying to get to her. but it's really gunfire. it's too heavy. in the 2 years since the targeted killing of all 0 corresponded should be of israel has killed 2 other old just the red journalist both and got some cameron and somebody was killed in a drone, striking december and cameramen homes of the to killed in an air strike the following month, holmes, it was gossip bureau, chief wilder to his eldest son and the 5th member of the family to be killed in the
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war. in fact, since the war began, at least 60 relatives of old 0 staff have been killed in seemingly deliver, it is really a tax. the risks to journalists were already extreme. windstream was killed. 2 years later, conditions on the ground in gaza and the occupied westbank, or even worse and days before the end of the 1st 3 of her death is real order. the shut down about a 0 in jerusalem expelling reporters and confiscating equipment. it's clear that they are tired of getting is just this stuff and they trying even to kill the facts of the tools. not only about this will about own what the bell se dns stuff already, and the is riley book evasion. and the is there anyone, i'll at least 143 journalists and medial workers have been killed in garza since the war began. in the occupied westbank were shooting,
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was gone down. journalist reporting on the intensifying military rates regularly come under attack. even a memorial in roma, la, dedicated to serene, has not been spared indignity during the rate in december as rarely. soldiers surrounded the area and posed for pictures. sharon was a household name in the arab world, a woman of the people for stories captured every aspect of the palestinian experience. she was bold, unapologetic, and her murder was considered so tragic. so odd dishes that it has become a milestone in the conference. her friends say they miss her sense of humor. i cannot witness that any i used to watch. sons is here to see. she is very hard to choose as you are now suffering after she died. i said, i'm not gonna watch the news, but nowadays we watch all the time. i'm not going to lie. sometimes i expect to see her. we miss her shooting has a very special story. hers is a legacy built on being a voice for her people,
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reporting or the injustice and oppression of israeli occupation. a job she died doing. her absence felt no more than ever. as her people suffer, the worst the violets they've ever seen. the same bus route, the old 0, run my look, the occupied westbank, palestine the, the world food program says more than 300 people have been killed in flash flooding in afghanistan is northern province of bug line. thousands of homes and houses have also been destroyed by the floods which have been caused by heavy seasonal reigns, emergency personnel are searching for survivors in bag land. fins and monahan has more. this is all that remains of a village in afghanistan bag land province. the region has been hit hard by flooding. survivors are mourning the dead and trying to figure out how they can
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carry on me. that's a lot. how much do you to say last people under the water o children under the floods their legs and hands are broken? we do not have any place to spend the night. the dry winter is effected, the soil making seasonal flooding much worse than usual boggling has been effected the most, but other regions are also suffering. thousands of homes have been destroyed and large trucks of agriculture. land have been ruined. many people are stranded and thousands are in need of supplies and medical attention. the government has declared a state of emergency. it says evacuations are under way and health is being dispatched . so that was in need sent and monitoring out to 0. the nearly 2000 civilians have been told to leave their homes in point of ukraine's harkey region. the governor of the northeastern territory says 3 people have been killed. russian forces say that they've occupied 5 villages. north of the city and
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state advanced further into the area. the queen's military says it is sending reinforcements. tens of thousands of people are expected back on the streets of georgia is capital police see in protest against the government so called foreign influence law, large crowds of intended demonstrations in recent weeks and months against the proposed legislation. it would require a media and non commercial organizations receiving more than 20 percent of funds from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence. the bill could pass into law as early as tuesday, and the number of dead from flooding in brazil's rio grande to sole state has risen to a 136. storms and heavy rain lashed the country 7 most state this week. civil defense authorities say at least a 125 people are still missing. more than 340000 people have been displaced. the police and payroll have detained the brother of president dina bullet warranty
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. as part of a whitening corruption inquiry involving the peruvian liter boulevard, his home was rated by police in march because of unclear luxury goods. her brother and nick a nor is accused of leading a corruption network in which officials are pointed in exchange for broad our plan is experiencing its most powerful g o, magnetic storm in more than 20 years. one which could trigger power and communication blackouts. a solar storm happens when the sun sends a series of strong solar flares, which then leads to a major increase in auroras and natural light displays around the world. every fawcett has a look at this. uh oh, my gosh. it's beautiful. in the dog around the world, red color rippled across the sky, red oh, was reflected back. this was the strongest june magnetic event for more than 20
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years, accounting for the vividness and variety of color, including the unusual pink some blues and the spread of the roll rate fall from the usual po, latitudes.


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