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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 28, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> select boat found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month and his wife and a $500,000 policy for only $21 a month go to select now and get the insurance your family meets at a price you business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in.
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they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. feel china. number one nap this is cnn the world's news hello and welcome to all you watching us here in the united states, canada, and all around the world. i'm kimberly hoover. this is cnn newsroom another round of massive tornadoes rips through parts of the us, were alive at the cnn weather center with the latest. meanwhile, towns in nebraska are reeling from saturday's tornadoes. all speak with the state's emergency management agency about how they plan to rebuild plus rob demonstrations outside the white house correspondents
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dinner to clashes in tel aviv. we have reports on the latest protests stemming from israel's war with hamas live for this is cnn newsroom with kim gruber we begin this hour with more destructive tornadoes ripping through the united states. in oklahoma, several large dangerous tornadoes were reported on the ground overnight, according to the national weather service complicating matters is the heavy rain fall that comes off along with these storms oklahoma officials say their initial reports of damage and injuries in several counties and around 45,000 customers are currently without power. the threat is far from over more than 6 million people are under a tornado watches from texas to illinois. us storm prediction center has increased sunday's severe storm threat we will level three out of five impacting a region from eastern
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texas to southern missouri and have a look, this is the latest wave of a multi-day severe storm system that's been tearing through parts of the central united states since friday when tornadoes kinda path across parts of nebraska and iowa joining me now, a cnn meteorologist, allison chinchar. so alison, just give a give us a sense of just how bad this has been, right? >> and the key thing to note is this wasn't just one day on saturday. this has been a multi-day event. so if you go back the last 48 hours, you can see all of the severe thunderstorm reports. so the red dots you see here are those are tornado reports. we've had hundred 18 of them in the last 48 hours at damaging wind reports and almost 150 hail reports. some of those the hale was the size of baseballs or even larger. so again significant there. and when you look at all of the tornado warnings that were issued by the various national weather service offices. each one of these polygon shape things was a warning that one of those offices issued to kind of show
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you how scattered a lot of these warnings were. but more impressive, is the national weather service office in omaha issuing 42 tornado warnings during a 24 hours for time period roughly 8:00 a.m. on friday to 8:00 a.m. on saturday. that's the most that office has ever actually issued in a 24 hour time period. so incredibly just substantial just to show how many alerts when out for this particular round of storms all right. >> and as i mentioned, allison, i mean, that's the danger far from over correct? yes. no. i mean, we are going to continue to see the threat today and it's not just for severe storms, but also flooding this image taken from yesterday again, just to kind of show the scope of how much rain, because this system is a whole is not moving very fast right now. the line is essentially stretching from chicago all the way back down south of dallas. you can see all of that lightning associated with it. so yes, if you've got some travel plans today, you may want to check with the airlines, make sure there aren't any delays or
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cancellations there. the red box here indicates some 20 watch as many of them are still valid for about the next three to four hours and yellow box, a severe thunderstorm. watch, also in effect for a little bit longer, these orange boxes here indicating some severe thunderstorm warnings right now, still possible to get some severe thunderstorm warnings, but also tornado warnings as we go through the rest of the morning, but also especially in the afternoon hours that's when things are going to ramp back up again across this tier of the us. again, essentially live from southern minnesota all the way down to the gulf coast. this includes houston, dallas springfield, even up around kansas city, the western chicago suburbs likely to get some strong thunderstorms as well. we're looking at the potential for strong tornadoes, damaging winds, and the potential for some hail. but the big concern for tornadoes is going to be farther south at architects region right through here. we're not just the chance of tornadoes kim, but the potential for some of those that are ef2 strength, or perhaps even stronger than that all right, folks still have to watch out across a huge swath of the country, allison chinchar. >> thank you so much. we shade
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that so while those in oklahoma have to wait for daylight to assess the damage, are lucy kafanov reports from one devastated in community as people begin to rebuild their lives well, i am standing in elkhorn, a suburb of omaha, nebraska. and you can see the utter devastation that destruction, that this twist are left behind after touching down at 4:30 p.m. on friday homes over there missing their roofs, floors destroyed, right here. this was a large family home the family as well as friends, neighbors volunteers they've been here all morning picking up the remaining pieces of their lives, trying to salvage what they can. because of course they're not going to be able to live in this property for a long time, even if they rebuild that is going to take a lot of time and you can see the destruction here, this area where we are standing right now, this was a home too. a family of four. we talked to
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the father and we talked to a family friend. >> nothing nothing was left of the structure. >> you can see the white vehicle they're flipped on let's head crushed by the power of this massive twister nothing remains. they were trying to salvage them. some things are simply nothing over here where i'm standing and we're not going to go anywhere closer to it stares going down there is a basement. the basements are how so few lives? no lives. in fact, were more let miraculously lost in this area people sheltered in the basements. that's how they found safety. but in this particular families case, the wife, she saw the news, she saw what was heading here said, you know what, i don't feel safe. let's get out of here. >> but a good call that was because again, so much of this property is flattened. >> and finally, i'll just flip over here to show you the rest of the street sure devastation and we haven't seen a lot of official help here yet. no
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power crews cleaning up. a lot of the cleanup efforts are from neighbors, church which groups, religious groups, volunteers, trying to pitch together. and help everyone lucy kafanov cnn, in elkhorn, nebraska for more, on nebraska is rescue and cleanup efforts. i'm joined now by earth portus. he's the assistant director for the state's emergency management agency listen, i really appreciate you taking the time at this. just extremely busy time for you and everybody who who works there for you just described for us exactly where you are and what the latest situation is well, first of all, good morning. >> where we are is we're in the early stages of pickup cleanup we've had multiple communities in the omar metropolitan area a mix of rural and suburban and some of the dense urban area. they were
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affected by these tornadoes in a very, very early stages of pickup cleanup, and damage assessment yeah. i mean, we're just looking at the picture as we just heard the report from our are are reporter, there talking to the residents and tears everything gone such such a huge loss for so many folks there it's a, huge loss matter of fact, the neighborhood that you referenced there kevin repeal and his team that visited at neighborhood yesterday we always present with them i've seen a lot of damage and devastation from just asters clearly one of the worst that i've seen that that neighborhood but in elkhorn a lot of families, a lot of lives affected now. >> as bad as it was. i mean, it really was a miracle that more people weren't hurts. no one killed. do you know why? i mean, the warning systems work?
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>> dangle. the warning systems work we spend in emergency management and spent a lot of time and energy focusing in communicating the message preparedness, whether weather forecasters, whether media do the same thing. now that's from weather service, does a marvelous job about practicing safety in severe storms and nebraska is heated. the message are reporters said that there wasn't a lot of signs of official help there yet it's still a lot of neighbors helping neighbors and so on. so take us to what happens now with the recovery and just how long it's going to take to get the necessary help in their recovery is always been a long arduous complex process, where we are now is we wanted to get through saturday's events. i've kind of lost track of
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time thanks. wanted to get through saturday's events, make sure we didn't have any repeats we've worked with government pin one and his team, and we are preparing a disaster declaration that we will submit to female region seven, seeking federal assistance for we've had conversations with regional administrator and with female administrator, chris well, so we're preparing an application will begin state federal preliminary damage assessments there early next week identifying the scope and the breadth of this thing, and then begin putting those federal dollars to work once the granted. >> in the meantime, all the people who obviously can't stay in their homes there what happens to them? where are they right now and what kind of things are they? the biggest need of right now well what
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they're, what they're the biggest need of ride now is identifying, knowing a way forward we're working with them on gang communicating that way forward the american red cross, the omaha and division is several shelters as throughout the omaha metropolitan area. >> but the one thing we've seen about nebraska is there, there, their neighbors, friends, family are those that can lean on so that's where their goal for sheltering services until they can as jan lewis some level of permanency as they rebuild and in terms of rebuilding, i mean, you did say that is a long process. >> i mean, just looking at the extent of the damage. are we talking months year here? >> the process of rebuilding is he is probably months to years
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to several years. it is a complex, arduous process and you have to begin with clean up. there's an enormous amount of clean up to to be done. >> yeah well, listen now we wish you and everyone there all the best as you face a huge challenge to rebuild, or if portus thank you so much for your time. >> really appreciate it. >> thank you wael. >> meanwhile, deadly tornado tore through southern china on saturday, according to state media, five people were killed and 33 were injured after a tornado ripped through a major metropolis in southern china authorities say close to 150 factory buildings were damaged in the storm, but no residential housing was hit tornado followed multiple days of heavy rains and flooding in the region all right. after the break turmoil around the world is protesters filled the streets of tel aviv in london as they tried to send a pointed message, washington's elite on their big night out plus, we'll look at how us college campuses
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gripped by protests and arrests, are rallying for change in gaza and palestinian peace activist says, the campus protests are actually hurting the palestinian cause. ask him why that's coming up. stay with us if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect new periodontics, act of gummer pair breath freshener. >> clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease a new toothpaste from parents for doncic's, the gum experts. so we decided to put in an in-ground pool. >> i literally went on angie and typed in pool and then got choices, getting to talk a different contractors see different bids in kind of look at their reviews, look at what other people think of them. and it's nice to know that you're meeting with people who already are at a certain level. we wanted some thank beautiful. we wanted something that our children will feel happy zooming in and we love it and still love connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well, get
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formula for dry eyes blank. >> during noun to the pro-palestinian anti israel government demonstrations from across the globe, from washington, dc hey, you are demonstrators gathered ahead of the white house correspondents association dinner attendant by us president joe biden to the various colleges across the us gripped by anti-war protests dozens of people have been arrested after they demanded schools take a stand and support the palestinian people in gaza, plus hundreds of pro israel counter protesters faced off with thousands of pro-palestinian demonstrators and center it will for several hours on saturday, when anti-government protesters filled the streets of tel aviv and jerusalem, many calling for the release of hostages from gaza new election. and cnn has a team of reporters with the latest on the protests. cnn's michael yoshida has a report from washington, dc on the
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white house correspondents protests. gotkine is live in london with the latest on the protest in tel aviv. but we begin with cnn's camila bernal from the ucla campus in los angeles. >> here at ucla, things have remained peaceful for the most part, although students have taken over a large portion of the university, you see the encampment here behind me. many of them say they're staying here for as long as it takes the demands very similar to what you're hearing and other universities all over the country tree, it's divestment and disclosure of a lot of the university investments and they say that while they're here at the encampment, they're holding meetings they're learning about the middle east east and about the politics of it. you're seeing people from different backgrounds, from different religions who say they are joining this movement. i want you to listen to what some of the students told me earlier as long as this attack is going on, ucla is making profit, not a lot, a lot of profit off in this genocide, we deserve to know that it is our money that we are giving to
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it's also so other demands are about ending the silence for here to say that our institutions need to be supporting us and we refuse to be complicit in violence against palestinians and here at ucla, officials are saying that they're not going to call police officers unless they feel that some of these students are in danger. >> so right now what you're seeing is security guards, either walking around or riding in their bicycles? so make sure that everything goes smoothly and that students here are safe. there are some students that have expressed being uncomfortable having to walk through this area and the university said, they have people helping students who want to cross through this area. but again, so far it's been peaceful. there are protesters expected to come on sunday, and so we will have to wait and see what happens when you have these protesters and then counter protesters. but as of now, things that do remain peaceful camila bernal, cnn, los angeles and my next guest
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is a palestinian from gaza city who left gaza in 2023 and now lives in germany. >> he recently wrote an opinion piece for newsweek titled message from a gazan to campus protesters. you're hurting the palestinian cost comes out how ed. thank you so much for joining us here so listen, when you first saw the protests on college campuses here you were happy about it, right? >> yes actually, i was happy with commencement of the protests and the us and those in general i was happy that someone started defending the various cnn's talking about their suffering and the putting ganim for to this ongoing go so then what changed what made me change my opinion recently is that i noticed a different difference in that it you'd of these protesters i noticed that among these protesters, there was a slogans and chance for
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antisemitism i noticed also that some protesters instead of quantum meaning and the us can hamas to surrender they started the glorifying it as the so-called a resistance movement, which is completely wrong i mean it can't be denied that there have been acts of anti-semitism and acts of intimidation against jewish students and jewish people. but by all reports, it's not been the norm. i mean, much of the activity on the campus has been peaceful. we've heard from jewish protesters as well who've joined the cause. so isn't it still on-balance worthwhile bringing attention to the palestinian cause for sure, there was an honest voices among these protesters who truly want to put an end to this ongoing war but what made me really upset was when i watched the columbia campus protests, and that the high
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james guy who claims to be the spokesperson of the pro-palestinian movement right there, saying publicly that and i'm quoting him. >> be grateful that i'm not going out killing jews also say the z units should not exist when i hear that from the forces focus spoke or face of the entire movement. what do i expect to from the entire participants? i know not tape was was done by the columbia students for justice in palestine he has been barred from campus, so i am wondering what, what is the harm you say? >> it's hurting the cause of palestinians in gaza? how is it actually hurting their cause? do you think? >> i believe that when they chant anti-semetic a chance, well, they can for terrorist organization like hamas are trying to, somehow, there like
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that. there is guise of hamas able biden's base ones they are truly hurting the palestinian cause. and if they truly want to justice and freedom and a better future for the palestinians. the first thing they should do is to pour hamas's or vendor because even without our, hamas will always harm the palestinians underbelly, senior and scores yeah, i i hear what you're seeing the support though in gaza for hamas still is fairly high and we've seen recent surveys that have found that, yes, it has dropped, i think by 11% in the past three months or so. but when asked who they blame for their his current suffering at least 7% blamed hamas. so there seems to be a disconnect between how people in gaza feel and people like yourself personally, i have my take on his balls and if it was possible, even to contact this
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balls under dictator regime like hamas even when i wrote my piece to the newsweek, i receive tons of feedback. >> part of it was positive and negative. but my gaza and friends were happy about it because yes, we want to get into the ongoing war. but we also don't want hamas to exist. we we don't expect a bright future for wc that hamas, even without the word. >> so if you're talking right now to these young people who are protesting on the campus right now, they're listening to you. what would you say to them? what is your message? >> i have no doubt that there are decent voice among them, but if they truly wanted justice and freedom for wc unions, the first thing they shook, it can four is hamas to surrender and release the remaining hostages has been suffering for more than 200 days. and he was a skeptic but the also they showed the chance for peace and coexistence
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instead of calling don hellyer the people of sri, because even for gray, again, sunlight myself who suffered lost his home. i'm brent. i don't accept that. the way to my e people's freedom to start by violins and killing another people peace and coexistence. that's a message that should be amplified certainly across, across the nation's humza, how he did. thank you so much for speaking to us. really appreciate it. >> thank you for having me and pro-palestinian protesters also rallied in washington saturday, then gathered at sayyed the venue where us president joe biden and thousands of journalists and celebrities attended washington's social event of the season. michael yoshida has the details well palestinian demonstrators gathered outside the white house correspondents dinner saturday night. >> the large crowd filling seen those street shanty and they also had speakers as well throughout the evening. all of this happening, within shouting
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distance of the hilton where fair to corresponded center was happening. you could see some of the barricades right there throughout the evening. he's protesters also shouting at those who are walking aside a lot of frustration for the biden administration's handling. they say of the war in gaza, also, a lot of frustration you should with the journalists who were walking into the correspondents dinner to sit there alongside biden and other members of his administration. we saw but jenner at one point being address back and forth going on throughout the evening between these crowds. they also had quite a bit different programs throughout the evening. at point, pudding projections up odd to the sides of buildings, spilling in the sidewalk as well. in all of this happening as they were voicing their restoration with the biden administration, as well as
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those journalist who were attending does correspondents dinner and watch it. and i'm likely to report it us secretary of state is about to join the effort to jumpstart talks involving israel and hamas. what the latest on the ceasefire and hostage release negotiations just ahead, plus hamas released new video to israelis. it's holding hostage. >> you'll hear from their families coming up, please do this special to our titanic premiere of how it really happens to knighted nine on cnn life, diabetes. >> there's no slowing down each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do that's why you choose glissando to help manage blood sugar response uniquely designed with carb steady glue, sirna, bring on the day what impacts hue every day. there is one book that influences almost every aspect of our lives
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business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. capitol hill and this is cnn welcome back to all of you watching us here in the united states, canada, and all around the world. >> i'm kimberly, who were this is cnn newsroom and israeli official tells cnn that israel has rejected egypt ceasefire and hostage release proposal and presented its own conditions for an agreement
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there's no word what those conditions are now on the streets of tel aviv saturday, thousands of israeli protesters demanded the government do more to bring home the hostages. hamas is holding in gaza those proteins mr. is clashed with police at least seven people were arrested while there are no signs that israel and hamas are closer to an agreement. israel's foreign minister said a ceasefire and hostage deal could delay the planned ground assault on rafah on a whole new shape you will love the front i'm not. >> there will be a deal we will hold the operation, we will do whatever is required to bring the hostages back elliott gotkine joins us live from london with more on the situation. >> so elliot, when we spoke yesterday, there seemed to be some optimism about progress on a deal, but that seems to be fading the things stand right now kim hopes dashed again, i suppose look the talks aren't
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completely dead, but nor are they making any real progress because they've been going on of course, for months and months have been high level delegations in qatar and egypt. >> egyptian officials over the weekend speak king with their counterparts in israel to transmit hamas is latest demands to the israelis, israel rejecting those demands. it says because hamas is again sticking to its guns and demanding a complete cessation of hostilities and the full withdrawal of israeli forces from the gaza strip. in order to free hostages and get a ceasefire into place. now, israel has gone back and sent a counter proposal to hamas via the egyptians. hamas says it is now reviewing that proposal, and i suppose as long as the talks are not completely dead, there is perhaps still a slither of hope that a deal might actually get done at some i'm point, but of course the window of time in which that can happen seems to be closing because israel says that if a deal isn't done, it will launch that ground operation into rafah, which has been talking about as well for several weeks now. now one reason why there may be a disconnect between the optimism
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and hopes that we may be getting closer to a hostage deal and the reality is according to a senior us administration official, because of differences or different perspectives from hamas leadership outside the gaza strip and inside the gaza strip, he told cnn that a lot of times we hear things from leaders of hamas outside of gaza that do not reflect the hamas leadership inside, which seems determined to simply sit underground holding hostages. now, a talks are these, these talks that are still ongoing may receive a bit of a another philip or another attempt at least east of bringing the two sides closer together this week when us secretary of state, antony blinken arrives in saudi arabia to meet partners, our partners from the gulf cooperation council, of course, be meeting with the saudis as well. there'll be discussing ways to try to secure a ceasefire in the gaza strip and in the words of the statement from the state department saying that the secretary will discuss ongoing efforts to achieve a ceasefire in gaza that secures the release of hostages and how it is hamas
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standing between the palestinian people? and a ceasefire, adding that they'll also talk about efforts to try to prevent an all-out escalation of the war between israel and hamas in the gaza strip to other parts of the region, region, of course, we've had various escalations between, of course iran launching that barrage of 300 missiles and drones and israeli other week and of course, ongoing fire between iran's proxy of hezbollah in southern lebanon and israel. and of course, also under discussion will be us attempts to try to get a grand bargain that would include saudi normalization with israel in exchange for concrete steps towards a two-state solution. >> kim norwood and elliott in the meantime, as we saw earlier, more protests on the streets and israel take us through what you've been seeing this is becoming eerily reminiscent of the month long protests that we saw from protesters in israel against the government plans to weaken the powers of the supreme court. >> because now on a weekly basis, we are seeing thousands, if not tens of thousands, of protesters descending on
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television, mostly peaceful they, but not always, there were seven arrests last night, and they are demanding not just that the government do everything humanly possible to secure the release of the israeli hostages who have now been held captive for more than 200 days, but they are also calling for new elections. they want to see prime minister netanyahu's government go and certainly opinion polls would suggest that if there were elections held tomorrow, that his government has right-wing government would not win and would be out of office. so those protests continuing. and i suppose they're really just aligning themselves with the hostage families who are determined to try to get their loved ones back home in israel, kim, all right. >> elliott gotkine in london. thank you so much. hamas released video of two israeli hostages on saturday. >> have a look on the left of your screen. >> you can see israeli hostage on miran. he was abducted on october 7 and on the right is american-israeli hostage keith siegel. he too was abducted
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from his home on october 7. his wife was taken as well, but she was released in november. >> that video, siegel asked that israel negotiate a hostage release deal, he appeared to be speaking under duress. >> the families of both hostages spoke after seeing the video. >> we wanted luck medication even father today on the emphasises to all of us how much we need to reach to deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home. i demand that the leaders of this country watch this video and see their father crying out for help. >> you really wanted i'm convinced that all the people of israel and the nations of the world want to see the end of the bloodshed and the end of the suffering of more people. prime minister bibi netanyahu and the cabinet, please make any deal, make any deal. but every deal is executable. i'm asking you to get a decision now. now now all right. >> still to come, ukraine's presence as russia launched a massive missile strike on saturday, his, as his country, weitz for crucial usa to arrive
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plus ukraine's foreign minister saying about the delay in us assistance and his message for ukrainian allies. let's just ahead. please stay with us tonight the rise of misinformation. donie o'sullivan reports from the front lines, fairer knows taylor swift, because the government side you don't believe taylor swift, i don't know what to believe the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on my name is susie loftus, and i'm the head of trust and safety for us data security, tiktok i'm a former prosecutor and it's my job to keep american tiktok users safe a big part of that is making sure that their data is protected. we're spending $2 billion to make sure that we're keeping tiktok safe. we have a us led team. we have a third party in american company to store protected user data i've dedicated my life in my career to building safety and it's my job to build it on tiktok my late father-in-law lit up a room but his vision dimmed with
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than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. was military, says russia at targeted ukraine with dozens of missiles on saturday, but its air defenses took down 21 of them. >> one strike almost hit a hospital in the kharkiv, leaving the huge crater you see there. the mayor says, one person was injured, but it could have been much worse. ukrainian president volodymyr kolinsky condemned the attack, which he says mainly targeted energy infrastructure, curious, to directly at the trajectories of the missiles and the nature of the strike were calculated by russian terrorists in a way to make the work of our air defense system as difficult as possible. each down rocket today is a significant result. sources tell cnn ukraine attacked a military airfield and to oil refineries on russian territory on saturday, it was described as an
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explosive operation using drones. the source tells ukraine, says ukraine is excessively targeting russian military and infrastructure facilities hoping to lower the potential for warfare cnn's clare sebastian takes a closer look at how these increased attacks on russian oil refineries are impacting the global oil supply flying straight for russia's biggest moneymaker this precise hit one of more than a dozen ukrainian drone strikes reported on the russian oil refineries since the start of the year. >> motion have enough that we thought you mean smoothly? >> we have already reduced both production and processing by 12%. so we continue to work while the gas station country continues to burn attacks like this, which cnn has geo-located to the high capacity here's an oil refinery may expert say, do more harm than sanctions to russian energy. from the beginning of the war, we made
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the us made the decision to try to keep russian oil on the market because no one would support ukraine in our winter of discontent. does this mean that ukraine has eliminated window to try to change? it's dynamic comet brown russia has admitted oil refining output is down and it's temporarily banned gasoline exports to preserve supplies meanwhile, global oil prices have risen around 12% since the start of the year. >> a us official telling cnn, these attacks now be discouraged give us a wise in an election year, there there might be more willingness to endure this. that's why washington is calling ukraine right now. >> two years ago, ukraine would not have had the technology to do this. some of the refineries hit are over 1,000 kilometers from its territory. a big leap in terms of range. this puts around three quarters of russian refinery output in ukraine's reach according to rbc capital markets as to their ability to avoid this fate being downed by russian german
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those close to ukraine's drone program i'm telling cnn artificial intelligence is now in use in some of the refinery attacks they have. >> this, this type of thing called machine vision, which is a form of ai to our understanding all you have, to do is you take a model and you have it on a chip and you train this model over time to be able to identify images geography, and the target. >> it also allows for a high degree of precision. look at this strike geo-located again, to the reason oil refinery a second hit on one specific tower from what we've seen, some of it is their striking targets that need a lot of western technology. and russia has a much more difficult time procuring this technology yet experts say ukraine, it's still exercising some restraint. these blue dots are russia's key western oil export terminals around two-thirds of its oil and oil product exports
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pass through these ports according to rbc if we simply had one major export facility, hit, i think the impact on market would be substantial for ukraine, the risk here is not just us disapproval, but russian revenge amid signs, ukraine's own energy sector is once again its sights because bestie and cnn, london ukraine's foreign minister can be thrown kuleba spoke to cnn about the billions of dollars the us pledge to ukraine this week. >> and the importance of heming allies in ukraine's corner. here's what he told are christiane amanpour it's good to have american back. it's better when good things happen later than do not happen at all we all know what follows when we lose and therefore we will keep fighting. what we, what we do need is our partners to believe firmly believe that ukraine's victory is attainable. and second, to have
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no fear towards putin because putin is a political animal who can sense fear and when he does he become a small aggressive russian journalists has been detained on charges of extremism for allegedly working with the navalny live youtube channel. >> moscow court has accused concern team gaba of of helping produce content for the channel, which is associated with the late russian opposition leader alexey navalny fani. russian officials have long designated navalny and his organization as extremist. according to the moscow court system, gov is a producer for the reuters news agency, will remain in detention for at least two months. and just into cnn, tesla ceo elon musk has arrived in beijing chinese state media says he met with senior trade officials on sunday. on wednesday, tesla announced aggressive price cuts in china, germany, and the united states, tesla stock has plunged more than 30% this year and the company laid off 10% cent of
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its workforce all right, it still ahead here on cnn newsroom, the lakers sliver to play another de. see sports. carolyn menno joys be to look at how la finally beat the joker after losing 11 in a row, stay with us today at american it's beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you. >> we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic, new bottles made using no new plastic. >> you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places and when we get more of them back we can use less new plastic bottles are made to be remade high. >> it's christina again, i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi the bathroom model that you don't want to miss. you already know jacuzzi has been making water-filled
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slip ends and sports lebron james and the los angeles lakers lives to play another game as they avoided getting swept by the defending champion denver nuggets given sports correspondent carolyn menno joins me. carolyn well and good, but it would still take something historic for la's actually make it to the next round, right that's absolutely right. >> i mean, no team has ever come back from a three nothing hole in the nba playoffs, but there is the first time for everything, right? it's gonna be tough. i mean, the lakers did get off to a fast start with the brand james anthony davis, working together, leading the way like they have all season long, davis had 25 points and 23 boards on the night and la led by 13 at the half, but they also lead at the half in the first three games and loss. so the issue really is finishing for this team, nikola jokic trying to spark and nuggets come back late in the third, a flick of the wrist and perfect pass for the lay up the reigning finals mvp, finishing with 30 be enter
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triple double, but this time around la would hold on. the bronze scored 30 as the lakers win by 11 and faddish setting up another winter, go home and game five what only opportunity for us to just play the next game and we've given ourselves another life we give ourselves another lifeline. and it's the one game series for us. so monday's game believe is monday. yeah, monday's game is the most important game of the season for us game to the celtics, giving a huge bounce-back winning game three on the road against the heat boston scorching hot in the second quarter, scoring 42 points led by a much more balanced attack inside and out from their stars in their role players is celtics up 24.5. >> they crews from their jayson tatum and jaylen brown each finishing with 22 on the way to a 10484 when regaining home-court advantage and taking it to one series lead to elsewhere couple of overtime thrillers and the nhl playoffs after dropping their first two games at home, the dallas stars
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discovered a trip to vegas was just what they needed. why johnson from the near impossible angle, beating golden knights bully logan thompson, short-side and high for the game-winner three to the final out west the new york islanders needed two overtimes to avoid getting swept by the carolina hurricanes, simeon bar lama coming up very big for the aisles on his 36th birthday, no less, he made 44 saves just enough for mathew bar zell to deflect robert baer chooses blast from the blue line and finish it over a minute into the second ot to keep their season alive, they're back silicons the wall and the boston bruins pushing the toronto maple leaf to the brink of elimination. a special night for brad marsh on scoring his 56 career post susan golden most in boston's long and storied history as the bruins, when three one, they go up three one in the series as well. and last, but definitely not least, this morning the nfl draft for wrapping up saturday
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evening in detroit with one of the most unique titles in american sports with the 257 in the 2024 nfl draft the new york jets select jalen key a defense of back from alabama good luck so the jets making jalen keys the final pick of the 2024 draft. >> this is a choice which as you know, kim is really endeared itself to fans. this has become known as mr. irrelevant. the very last pick in the draft fully, he doesn't appear to be taking it as a slide. he said afterwards he wants to lean into every bit of this yeah. i mean, i guess i've feel worse for the second last guy because he doesn't even get a title, right? >> well, to leave their carolyn manto in new york. thank you so century-old white house correspondents dinner is effectually called the nerd prom. and to be an annual
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celebration of political journalism and a free press. nearly 3,000 celebrities, journalists, and politicians gathered in washington on saturday for the black tie event. despite its lofty goals, it was also a chance to make front of each other themselves and notably the elephant, not in the room republican presidential candidate donald trump saturday night live cast member colin jost was the host and he pointed out where trump is right now. >> i'll be honest with you. i don't have a lot of time. i need to get back to new york because i'm juror number five on a big trial trump's lawyer took one look at me and he's like he's gotta be on our side and president biden also crack jokes at his opponent while flexing his comedic muscles. >> have a look it's been a year since i delivered the speech and my wife chills would be the night was worried how i do i told her no worry. just like riding the bike. >> she's that's what i'm worried about. movie fans in tokyo are being treated to a
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larger than life display of one of the most fearsome monsters of the silver screen 300 foot or 100 meter tall animation of godzilla was projected on a government building in the japanese capital for the monsters 70th anniversary, enormous lizard has destroyed tokyo multiple times and films that since debuted, display holds the guinness world record for the largest projection map display in visitors can see the digital godzilla various times through my six all right. >> before we go, we thought we'd leave you with this carrying for one crying child at a time is a challenge while now multiply that number by 100. have a look 100 that's about how many children took part in the crying suo event in tokyo today? sumo wrestlers
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rocked the infants while organizers wore masks of foxes and demons, all believe it or not trying to make the baby's cry. the challenge is to see what which baby will sob first. >> now he started in 1991 to wish for the health and well-being of children. weird way to do that. apparently it also drives away evil spirits why our abs this hour of cnn newsroom, i'm kim bruno over for viewers in north america, cnn this morning is next for the rest of the world, is point of view. i would you think, you know this story, but there's more beneath the surface how it
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