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tv   Education Secretary Testifies on Agencys Priorities Policies Part 3  CSPAN  May 7, 2024 11:30pm-11:48pm EDT

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concerns and we want to make sure that we are listening and response to concerns. >> i want to ask one additional question i'm running out of time. you mentioned discretionary enforcement. i don't know exactly what that means. can you simply delay the full implementation of the rule until january 2025. >> thank you, i will have my team follow up. >> we do have members that are coming back for votes, we will take a break and be back. five minutes after the third vote begins. >> mr. secretary, thank you very much for coming back after our break for vote. i recognize mr. comer for five
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minutes. >> thank you, madame chair. thank you, secretary cardona for being here today. you've you've acknowledged that it's statement of values, not in many ways the values of the department of education. the university presidents assistance fromun local law enforcement including those like george washington university, facing resistance from local elected officials, several lots away here in washington, d.c. and i know that because i met with the university president last week. mr. secretary, president biden asserted that there's the right to protest but not the right to cause chaos. do you share those values and sentiments with the president? >> i do. >> do you condemnty legal activities and antisemitic and discriminateory speech weave seen over the last several weeks on college campuses? >> i do. >> have you been in contact with
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george washingtoni university alan regarding her request for hearing unlawful encampment? >> i have not spoke on the the president. our staff is available to work with colleges. we have spoken to hundreds of presidents in the last several months and we will continue to make ourselves available. >> have you spoken with washington, d.c. mayor regarding the request from george washington university to utilize law enforcement to clear the trespassers who invaded the campus? >> i have not spoken to the mayor. >> i note and madame chair serves in the oversight committee, the may already will be in attendance here tomorrow on anat emergency hearing we cal oversight committee to try to understand why the mayor has refused to assist with the request from george washington university, so mr. secretary, do you believe preventing law enforcement from providing security within their jurisdiction is a derriliction?
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>> so that university leaders and the public in general have tools at their fingertips and how to keep campuses safe. there's too much hate happening in our campus that we have to address and we're adamant that we are providing more materials and compliance oversight given the resources that we have. i strongly suggest, sir, that you support our budget which will allow us to have more investigators who expeditiously move forward on these cases. >> let me ask you, mr. secretary. will you commit to supporting president and george washington administrators in similar
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situations, illegal encampment from university grounds? >> it's my responsible to make sure that campuses are safe and students have safe learning environment and proceed with graduation. >> will you commit -- >> well, i can tell you because i've walked through the encampments. it's not a safe learning environment. we heard from several students in george washington university who were threatened, they were being threatened while escorting through the encampment. the university president begging the city of washington, d.c. police to come in and remove the trespassers and they are refusing to do so. i believe when the second week, it's 1414 days approaching of this violation of the law, of trespassers intimidation of jewish students, desecration of statutes, statute of george
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washington dressed as what appeared to me as hamas soldier. do i think it's the role of the department of education to ensure that these students lives are being protected and they are in a safe environment and from what i saw firsthand at george washington university i don't think that's the case especially for jewish students. i guess my question is will you commit to working with the university president and administrators who were begging thesee local law enforcement officials and i hate to say this but blue cities who are refusing for whatever reason to go in and remove the trespassers. will you commit to working with the university professors because they are reaching out asking for help from somewhere, the house oversight committee --
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>> yeah. >> the administrators are begging for assistance, can they call the department of education and will you assist? >> yes, they can call the department of education. we are going the make ourselves available to support them and ultimately make sure students are safe on campus, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, mr. comer. mr. williams, you're recognized for five minutes. >> thank you madame chairwoman. mr. secretary, you've made it this far. are you a hockey fan? >> i love -- big football fan. >> that would be a no. that's a good lead-in to my question. you probably heard of wayne,us famous hockey player used to say and you have done extraordinary job to where the puck is not going to be, ied would call it your greatest skill and maybe that's because you're a football
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fan and i think the efforts that you go to answering questions seem to be -- >> are you going to be, is your department going to have all the kinks worked out? >> we are committed -- >> i'm so glad that it's important. are you going to be ready on october 1st? this is the executive branch, right, you're in charge of that? is that right? >> i am in charge. >> october 1st, 24 what should parents expect? >> my expectation that they are ready to go and they will have information. >> are you mitting to that. are you mitting october 1st, 2024, year later --
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>> i'm making sure that the staff knows this is the highest priority and that it's my expectation that october 1st is ready. >> do you have the authorities to make sure things happen in your department? >> yes. >> you're certain? >> the answer was yes. >> okay, thank you. one of the things that i've seen is that we have campuses that are essentially being burned on title 9 issues and, i'm sorry, on title 6 issues and you're spending a lot of time of rewriting title 9 issues. we have jewish students ready to go to classes, we have disruptions, classes being canceled, commencement being canceled. which of these accomplishments are you most proud of? >> this morning we issued a dear colleague letter for college leaders friday i submitted a letter to 5,000 leaders.
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we are committed to ensuring title 6 is adhered to. we have more information on shared ancestry and moving to move investigations into completion. your support of the budget would be helpful and so we are committed also to providingit resources to universities and how to comply with title 6. >> little late, isn't it? >> i would ask you to visit the resource page that we put together with input from parents, students, jewish leaders and university -- >> i will be happy -- i will be happy to do that. you mentioned your budget that you're asking for increase of $3 billion, is that right? >> for fsa? federal student aid? >> i don't think -- >> or in general? >> i thought it was the whole thing. you're cutting charter schools
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by 40 million, is that correct? >> no, we are proposing ioreduction of $40 million to te charter schools grant. >> what's the different cutting by 40 million and you proposing? it's sort of opposite of the use of the english language that i've grown accustomed. >> that's fine. we are proposing 40 million-dollar decrease to the budget that we had before. >> students in my district and particularly in poorest districts and i understand from the previous testimony that -- that it won't cut any services to charter schools. i think that was your representation and testimony today, is that right? >> charter school grant that we operate which is still the largest competitive k through 12. we would not see reduction in
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csp. >> we must ensure that every student regardless of zip code has access to equitable and high-quality education yet as we near the 70th anniversary of brown versus board of education it is disheartening to see racial and economic segregation persist in america's schools. secretary cardona, good quality education should be a right aafforded to every student and thank you to the biden and harris administration we have seen great strides in our k through 12 and higher education system while democrats continue
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to push for progress our efforts have been damper by republicans extreme culture war fueled agenda. we must prioritize meaningful solutions over harmful rhetoric. we must put people over politics. as we move forward democrats are committed topo supporting the te president to reflect our commitment to an equitable education. thank you and i yield back. >> thank you, ms. ilmar. i recognize myself for a closing statement. >> mr. secretary, you admitted here today that college graduates earn over a million dollars more than those who don't go toea college. let me repeat that. in your own words, college graduates are wealthier, so why in the hell should americans who have chosen a less expensive
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path to a -- you continued for over 3 years to blanket bailouts for borrowers making over $300,000 to your so-called save plan that ensures lawyers and those with advanced degrees pay back a fraction of what they owe, your department is simply transferring wealth from disadvantaged families you claim to care about to your political donor class you need to help you win the election. it's shocking how much the debt cancellation agenda has steered your ship auntie's excite all of this, your department's fy2025
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budget request chose that under your leadership students will default at greater rates going forward than those who borrowed at the peak of the covid-19 pandemic. if that truly is the case, i don't know how to characterize your tenure other than abysmal failure. now i want to turn to anti-semitism. you unequivocally condemned anyonell saying kill all muslim. togood for you. we all should condemn that and yet when given multiple opportunities you wouldn't condemn from the river to the sea nor would you condemn calls for campuses to eliminate, how can the jewish community in this country trust you to address
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anti-semitism on campuses if you have such double standards about anti-semitism. americans are waking up to the radicalism on campus and the radical progressive agenda that has consumed the department of education and thank god they are. with that, i adjourn the committee and i thank the secretary for being here. >> thank you.
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>> c-span's washington journal, live forum involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and public policy from washington, d.c. to across the country coming up wednesday morning, we will talk about campus unrest, the israel-hamas conflict, law enforcement issues and congressional news of the day with florida republican
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congressman john weatherford and inspector general robert storch on his role in the pentagon and tracking military aid to ukraine. we will also discuss u.s.-saudi relations and the kingdom's view of the hamas war, spokesperson for the embassy of saudi arabia in washington, d.c. c-span's washington journal join the conversation live at 7:00 eastern on wednesday morning, c-span, c-span now or online at the hill reports on an attempt by mr. trump's current lawyers to hav a mistrial declare bid the judge after the jury heard details from the witness that the defense deemeds
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inappropriate. judge juan toldheawyers that he agreed the testimony had gone into too much detail but ultimately denied the request for a mistrial. ms. danielss expected to turn to the stand for more questioning when the trial resumes on thursday. >> c-span now, free mobile app featuring your unfiltered view of what is happening in washington live and on demand. keep up with the day's biggest events with live streams of floor proceedings and hearings from the u.s. congress, white house events, the courts, campaigns and more from the world of politics all at your fingertips. you can also stay current with the latest episodes of washington journal and by disedging information for c-span's tv networks and c-span radio plus a variety of compelling podcasts. c-span now is available at the apple store and google play, scan the qr code to download it for free today or visit our website c-span now, your


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