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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 9, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast. it is thursday, may 9, this is "fox and friends." the white house is putting a weapons shipment to israel on hold. house speaker mike johnson sounding off about that in the last hour. >> this is a time when we desperately need the president to speak clearly with clarity and conviction and consistency about right versus wrong. if he is unable to do that, he needs to step side. >> steve: the president will head to a ritzy fundraiser later today after overplaying economy and downplaying his polling problems. >> he's never uk seeded in creating jobs and i've never failed. polling data has been wrong all along. >> brian: we haven't had the election yet. can the way you text give your
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age away? >> ainsley: definitely. >> brian: each generation has a way of communicating. tiktok evil. final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. you know the deal. >> steve: mornings are better with friends. >> brian: fox news alert. president biden laying out consequences of israel crossing his red line with invasion of rafah. >> ainsley: in an interview last night, biden vowed to halt more weapons shipments if prime minister netanyahu launches a full-scale attack. >> steve: lucas tomlinson is live in washington. it surprised a lot of people that the president would say out loud what they are doing behind the scenes. >> lucas: president biden warning if israel moves ahead with rafah operation, he will halt weapons trans fers,
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including satellite-guided bombs. senator tom cotton accusing biden of arms embargo. and there is a post hamas loves biden. >> president biden: hivilians have been killed in gaza. i made it clear that if they go into rafah, they have not gone in rafah yet, if they go in, i will not supply weapons used historically to deal with rafah. we'll continue to make sure israel is secure in terms of iron dome and ability to response to attacks, we will not supply weapons and artillery shells used. >> lucas: house speaker johnson accused biden of defying congress and accused president of micromanaging the war. others accuse biden of doing same thing to ushg yoo, guys.
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>> brian: you mean others like everyone watching, you played down the middle. anyone paying attention knows he is slow walking everything, including f-16s. they are waiting to train pilots, i guess waiting for a j jumpsuit. this is maddening, he will stop bombs to israel, some shipments, not new stuff allocated, this was approved by congress and en route. can you do this? why are you doing this? can you imagine if they say bin laden is in bora bora, don't go in there, know innocent people are there. we would have laughed, we did whatever to get zarakowi sand bn laden. >> ainsley: this is a terrorist
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organization. robert gates said, biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. we cannot forget october 7, they are holding israeli citizens and american hostages. they burned babies, amputated limbs of children and killed them. biden, those lives need to matter, as well, not just lives of innocent people in hamas. they are in gaza and elected hamas and we asked the speaker about this and he agrees, brian, only reason he's doing this is because of mitch mcconnell and -- michigan and wisconsin. >> this is political, he is terrified. this is time when commande
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commander-in-chief, this is time when we desperately need the president to speak clearly with clarity and consistency did right versus wrong. this is good versus evil. if he's unable, he needs to step aside. we need a president, i believe donald trump, who will look in the camera and tell the bad guys to stand down and biden won't do it. >> steve: and there is the president right there in the oval room before he heads off to his big ritzy fundraiser. i've had a number of jewish friends contact me and they say they are horrified the president would hold israel hostage while trying to finish the job in rafah. a number of my friends voted for joe biden. joe biden is trying to have it both ways. israel is our biggest national ally, they have to stop dropping bombs on innocent people.
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we guilty tget that and that wa his red line. i will not give you big bombs or artillery shells, they are too indiscriminate. if you are going to do what you are going to do, you are going to do it on your own, flying solo. >> brian: they will go into rafah anyway. people want to vilify prime minister netanyahu. go ahead. i listen to a daily podcast on "new york times," former prime minister, might be future and benny gantz. there is divisions, but way they are conduct ing the war, they al agree with the way prime minister netanyahu is doing it. they never wanted to go into gaza, there is 1.4 million people there, that is why they never wanted it. when you capture internationals and massacre 1200, they have xhoe choice and that is where
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the hostages are and sinwar is. how can you expect them not to go in. the enemy said we will give you october 7 after october 7. why let that guy live? >> ainsley: joe biden talked about this, yanking support from israel, downplaying the polls saying the polls are wrong and overplaying the economy, saying he's turned the economy around. listen. >> why should people here believe that you will succeed at creating jobs where trump failed? >> he's never successed in creating jobs and i've never failed. >> since you took office, economic growth far less, consumer confidence, is near a two-year low. with less than six months to go until election day, are you worried you are running out of time to turn that around? >> we've already turned it
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around. 65% of america thinks they are in good shape economically. polling data has been wrong, we have strongest economy in the world. let me say it again. >> gdp last week far short of expectation. >> president biden: look at response of the market, over whelmingly positive, no president had run we have had in terms of jobs. it was 9% when i came to office. >> there is real pain, grocery prices are up 30%, or more than 30% since beginning of pandemic and people spending more on food and groceries than any time in the last 30 years. that is real pain that people feel. >> it really is and it is real. fact is if you take a look at what people have, they have the
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money to spend. >> steve: fact checking on the president for cnn. he said inflation was 9% when he took office. wrong, mr. president. this graph here, when he took ofgs in january of 2021, it was 1.4%. >> ainsley: not close. >> steve: not even close. president was flashing back to june of 2022, 18 months later it hit 9% because fed was flooding the market with money, and you could get interest rates pretty much zero. right now interest rate is 3.5%, fed wants it below 2% and they will do something about interest rates. it is too high because of his policies. >> brian: you can't say it is unfo unfortunate. jobs are coming back because our country was going back to work.
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we got a vaccine and they were on the right path. why did you spend the rest of your package? larry summers told you too much money will cause inflation. and you passed infrastructure bill. this is so much spending it shocked the system, among people that can't believe it is david axelrod, here he was yesterday on cnn, long-time democratic analyst. >> i don't understand all these months later, i thought they spent 25 million mistaken ly touting bidenomics and making the same argument the president is making. the world was plunged into economic crisis and america plunged into economic crisis from the pandemic and we've come back faster than any other country and he is right about that, that is not the way people experience the economy.
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they experience it through the lens of cost of living. he builtds his career on empath, why not lead with empathy. he is making terrible mistake. >> steve: we heard the president talking to erin burnett, he said 65% of people think their finances are in good shape and the nation is in bad shape, quite a disconnect. inflation is 3.5% and the number has been going down and now stubbornly stuck. nobody feels like things are cheaper and erin brought up fact groceries are 30% higher than when joe biden took office. every time you go to the grocery store, fill up your car or buy something, you are paying for joe biden's policies. >> ainsley: mortgage rates tripled, crime has gone up, rent
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is up, inflation is up, open borders and he tried to say that trump has never succeeded in creating jobs. the trump organization, thousands of jobs, i would imagine, not to mention jobs he created when he was in office. >> brian: over the shoulder shot of erin burnett to joe biden's face, trump would sit there and take one contentious question after another. his face drops and he gets angry. that is what his people are afraid of. one story not true came out. yesterday he claimed his catholic school teacher was drafted by the green bay packers, is it because you are in wisconsin? probably, you got raised in a black church and you protested for nelson mandela, and you were on a black family's porch and
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got arrested. >> ainsley: your uncle was eaten by cannibals and i used to drive an 18-wheeler. >> brian: let me make up a story about the packers. >> steve: it is delightful when the biden people say we love to let joe be joe. when joe is joe, that is the way it goes. >> brian: good luck with the follow-up story. we wish this teacher made the packers. his last name riley. >> steve: fact checks and nobody finds that person. >> ainsley: he lost his footing on the short steps to the plane. >> brian: one slip away from gavin newsom. be honest, he falls one more time, it is 1-800-gavin newsom, get your gel and go to washington. >> steve: carley joins us. blm has a lawsuit? >> carley: developing story, progressive nonprofit that helped fund anti-israel protest
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we've been seeing on college campuses is being sued for fraud by the black lives matter global network after withholding 33 million in donations to blm. in a statement made by the "new york post" wednesday, to the "new york post," a spokeswoman called the allegations false, the group received 14 million from billionaire soros and his son alex who sponsor a number of activist organizations. three maintenance workers trapped say they were held hostage, head of their union joined us saying they are preparing to sue the ivy league school. >> everybody in the building, the entire workforce was fearful. they stormed in.
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two of the custodians had to fight their way out and they were told, you are staying here. >> ainsley: custodians had to beg to free them and say they are traumatized. house of representatives rejecting marjorie taylor greene wanting to oust mike johnson. steve scalise had a motion to save the speaker. >> democrats see exactly what we see and the american people see, these are dangerous times and the country needs a functioning congress. we can't afford risk of shutting house down. >> vote to kill greene's motion was rejected. miss teen usa giving up title after being crowned in 2023. she says, i find my personal values no longer fully align with direction of the organization. this is just days after misusa
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revealed she, too, is stepping down citing her mental health. sources tell the post both pageant winners quit after being bullied by the organizations ceo. can the way you text give away your age? >> who are you texting 50 times per day? >> idk, bff, jill. >> tell her i'm taking away your phone. >> wtf? >> one tech influencer says each generation has a different way of communicating. >> with two thumbs, probably pre-teen to mid-20s, then you start getting this, adding in your index finger unnecessarily, us start doing this thing, the one finger tap. >> ainsley: one finger tap. gen-z believes texting with
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capital letters and proper punctuation is clear sign someone is older and out of touch. >> brian: i think they are right. >> carley: i agree. >> steve: i -- i just texted something to somebody to see if i'm using the index finger, i'm not. i'm a baby boomer, you can teach an old dog new tricks, i'm all thumbs. >> carley: if you do a lot of e emojis and smiley face with the kissy heart that means you are older and i do that all the time. >> ainsley: my dad does tons of emogis, he includes he in messages, i have no idea who they are. >> carley: hip and young, f facetiming. >> ainsley: he's accidentally doing it. dad, i love you, we need to
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talk. >> brian: ever tried to get out of accidental facetime, it is impossible. i throw the phone away. >> need a whole new number now. >> brian: i will say, i want blackberry keyboard back. i was so quick with that, i still, as everyone knows, i've not adjusted. >> steve: you like the physical keys. >> ainsley: i had a blackberry until the company shut down. i love the clicky keypad. >> ainsley: brian is the worst texter ever. >> carley: i texted you something on friday. >> ainsley: you need an inter intermittent interpret er. >> brian: i voice check and i refuse to check it, i made a decision i don't want to go back. >> carley: i text brian during his radio show, you are busy. >> steve: i have a car that plays the messages, i will
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res respond and 90% of the time i respond to somebody else. hey, meet you at noon. i'm in california. >> ainsley: everything you write, i remember, my parents said if you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all. if i say something about someone and you send it to the wrong person. mine is good, i try to be nice. >> brian: if you can't say anything nice, text it. >> no, then you have proof. >> steve: a friend used to say, if you can't say anything nice about somebody, sit next to me. carley, thank you. >> ainsley: all right, stormy daniels set to return to the witness stand this morning. we are outside of the cou courthouse. >> brian: carley did not text me, not telling the truth. >> carley: yes, i did.
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>> brian: you did? ♪ i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan.
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but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you!
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>> steve: we have a live camera fifth avenue outside trump tower awaiting president trump's departure to go to court in
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lower manhattan. >> ainsley: stormy daniels will return to the witness stand in just over an hour. defense continues cross-examination in the new york versus trump trial. >> brian: this is last high-profile witness until we get michael cohen. eric shawn live outside the united states supreme court. eric. >> it will be stormy for stormy. she will return in an hour from now after what we heard from the stand on tuesday. ms. daniels back for cross-ex cross-examination. on tuesday she talked about having dinner and sex with the former president in lake tahoe. that moved trump to buy stormy's s silence. trump's attorney got ahold of her. susan necklace tried to cast
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doubt on her story. asking, you have been making money by claiming to have had sex with president trump for a decade, right? >> i've been telling the story what happened to me. >> am i correct you hate president trump? >> yes, said stormy. >> you want him to go to jail, right? >> i want him to be held accountable. >> the former president could be seen shaking his head and cursing. that prompted judge merchan to tell trump's attorney to tell his defendant to cut it out. >> i'm speaking to you at the bench, i don't want to embarrass him. i will talk to him. you need to speak toim had. i won't tolerate that. today susan necklace will ask stormy daniels if she ever talked to the former president about the deal. her answer will likely be no.
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if she says no or doesn't know why they made the deal or thinks why they made the deal, that is not good enough and account hurt the prosecution case. >> brian: she's been coached so often, you would think she would know what to say. >> they go through mock exa examination and brian, i was surprised, if answer was yes, i know why he made the deal to protect himself and the prosecution never asked that on direct. >> steve: kicks off in an hour. bring in trial attorney rebecca rose woodland. last time stormy was on the stand in the morning when the prosecution was interviewing her, the testimony was good for the prosecution. then on cross-examination, things fell apart. they did, because what is
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happening, the judge is allowing ridiculously wide scope of factual information to come in that has nothing to do with this case. >> steve: with bookkeeping. >> this is record case on bookkeeping. she was on the stand to establish whether or not payment was made for an nda. the prosecutor went forward and the judge allowed this alleged encounter in a hotel room, with his boxer shorts and his old spice. this is offensive and attempt to prejudice the jury against the former president. it might backfire. >> ainsley: a lot of cases are backfiring, we know what is happening in georgia and there is a hold on the case in florida. and now learning about the trump fraud trial judge, arthur engoron under investigation for getting advice from a
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high-profile lawyer. you are not supposed to do that. judge is denying it. >> brian: adam lightman bailey. >> he claims to have spoken to judge engoron, the judge who levied the fine in the civil case with leticia james pressing for the case to move forward. what i see here and office of judicial conduct sees it, they opened an investigation. a judge cannot talk while a case is pending to an outsider of the case. he can talk to the attorneys who both have to be present. he has to advise opposite side he's speaking to them. he cannot speak to any random people, it is inappropriate and an investigation has been opened as far as i understand.
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>> brian: today defense should establish what and now the prosecution get another shot at stormy? >> prosecution can try to redirect. >> brian: that should be stopped by defense and by the judge after uproar that took place. >> amazing. from what i understand, even on tuesday, the defense was up in arms objecting constantly and judge was overruling the objections. they moved for mistrial, the judge said i will consider that when i speak to the jury before they deliberate. >> steve: what? >> doesn't make sense. they heard it, you can't unring it. >> brian: he said defense should have objected more. >> ridiculous. >> steve: kicks off in an hour. thank you. >> ainsley: president biden set to pitch new asylum changes, too
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little too late? >> steve: sources tell fox 1000 were apprehended in the last week alone. why are they coming? brief timeout. that have been given to, catastrophically injured veterans, first responders, gold star families. for a groundbreaking of their amenity center. every aspect of this building has been designed with accessibility in mind. we've got an indoor gymnasium, we've got pools that have ramp access for all of our residents to be able to use them. this is going to have a rehabilitation center aquatic therapy, it■s going to have recreational therapy. got an entire children's neverland village you name it. you name it. we've built it here. i'm really looking forward to the adaptable workout equipment.
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>> ainsley: migrants crossing the border. >> brian: 1000 chinese nationals apprehended by border patrol. >> steve: standing and taking selfies, something mark merdollared does. why are they going to the coast? >> mark: will it be further national security risk.
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i am not good at selfies, i don't have the arm length to get it out there. white house is expected to roll out possible changes and could speedup deportation. there are details we are waiting to read. this has been under consideration and apply to migrants seeking asylum allowing de denial at screening stage as opposed to interview stage. this would impact national political rules. white house weighed timing of new action and federal regulation as biden officials use failure to lesson donald trump on border and immigration. they say, politico, this comes down to politics. one gop lawmaker calls this attempt to fix the crisis and johnson called it window dressing. white house says this is a national security crisis niven
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number of chinese nationals. numbers from west coast, 1000 chinese nationals apprehended near san diego and more surprising when you look at data in 2021 with pandemic to where we are now. we have seen 24,000 apprehended so far gchl for the fiscal year of 2024. we have been hearing from republicans who think the border is not getting enough attention. 15 house democrats said they want the white house to do more to get immigration back in the national discussion. >> steve: i think your arm strength is just fine. >> mark: i minute to say the length. >> steve: peter doocy has long arms, he'll help you. >> brian: thanks so much. president knows after ignoring it for 2-1/2 years, knows border is an issue. they come up with bipartisan plan, it was falling short and
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people did not believe the president would follow through and it never got out of the senate. i can't do anything else in executive order and there is rumor, politico and axios, the president might use executive order to control things at the border right before the election and now the announcement seems days away. >> steve: our president could do something about chinese nationals coming in, get on the horn and talk to his close friend president xi, the way it works now -- >> brian: they did not go through the darien gap. >> steve: they flew to tijuana. we cannot send them back to china, china won't take them back and we can't send them back to mexico. it is catch 22. they are in the country now and
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once you get to border patrol, you're here. >> ainsley: this is political like what he's doing with israel. he knows the election is right around the corner and he's trying to say he's doing something about the border six months out. like he says he is preventing israel from gets weapons from the united states because he is looking at what is happening in michigan and wisconsin and sees uncommitted vote and says, i need their vote. >> steve: he knows summer is coming and number of migrants goes down in summer, that was not the case last year. >> brian: look at different eligibility rules during interview stage. he thinks he can control it that way and give border patrol more power. nobody buys that. how about keep them in mexico. welcome to mexico, that is as far as you go, stay there. it used to work, maybe it will
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again. 19 before top of the hour. comic going viral for this hilarious ad-lib remark working the crowd. >> you work for the biden administration? it is your job to wake him up or -- i can't believe you admitted that in front of all these --
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>> brian: no laughing matter, concomedian going viral as the 2024 election season heats up, watch. >> what do you do on the hill? you work for the biden administration? it is your job to wake him up or what is k your job? what do you do for the biden administration? what job you have? i can't believe you admitted that in front of all these people. wow. are you ready to be unemployed? >> brian: all right, comedian careth foster joins us now. your reaction to that ad-lib out of an oaudience in chicago. it is okay to make fun of a democratic president? >> it is totally okay.
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where is the lie in that? where is the lie? you turn on the tv and you see it. not like it is hyperbole, it is facts. >> brian: have you found when you are on stage, same thing, you feel like you can go anywhere? >> you can go anywhere and say anything right now. comedy is making a comeback, it is so aparent, we are living like ground hog day, people are done, tired. a lot of people are sick of waiting three to five business days to watch joe biden creepily lick an ice cream cone. bless your heart, you are special. >> brian: going after -- we have sobering up, coming out of cancel culture and i guess you feel that i wa, too?
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>> listen, there is difference between coming at something with hate and love. true comedians come at it with love, love of human kind and that is why we have the ability to mock and to tease. if it was really nasty, it wouldn't be funny. >> brian: talk about vice president harris, seem to be right for comedian. get everybody on abortion, talk about how great abortion is and number two, get black vote back in her column, listen. >> i have some wonderful young brothers in particular, who are very successful in business and i'll be talking with them about their story and what our policies can do to support people like them. >> brian: term young brothers, is that going to win over the vote? >> she is doing her job in that
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respect, what upsets me most, this is same group of people she would have had no problem as california prosecutor putting their behinds in jail. can we celebrate men, celebrate black men, don't pannedor when you would have done something horrible to them faster than you can say three strikes. >> brian: and charlamagne the god, she talked about listening to jay-z in college and he wasn't producing music at that time. >> maybe a time machine. >> brian: maybe. straight ahead unleashing fun on fox square ahead of this year's westminster dog show, we have dogs. first check with bill hemmer for what is coming up on his show. you appeared on the radio yesterday. >> bill: nice to be with you yesterday. we have storm clouds over gotham
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city. president trump likely to make comments before stormy daniels takes the stand. migrants in denver told to move out and they wrote up list of demands and denver folds. and r.f.k. jr. had a worm in his brain, he said it. 10 minutes away. that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? or that propane can cut your energy costs at home? it powers big jobs and small ones too. from hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propane-an energy source that's affordable, plentiful, and environmentally friendly for everyone. get the facts at voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks!
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raising you was no bed of roses. are you getting me anything for mother's day? go to oh my gosh! wow! gorgeous! i feel like royalty. thank you. happy mother's day. happy mother's day!
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>> brian: westminster kennel club dog show is saturday on fox sports. first they join us on fox square. >> here is my buddy. dog handler janice here. last year's champion buddy holly. and fiona. this is dog's special new addition to your family. >> she is already a champion but not at westminster. just the first lady. she can't compete there. he was best in show winner and mall chi a few years back. westminster royalty. >> steve: the show is almost 150 years old. what dogs were popular 150 years ago? >> the most popular best in show
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dogs were terriers were claiming the awarpdz. as years have gone by it is spread among all the breeds. it is hard to call. >> brian: what has the last year been like for buddy holly? >> he has had a lot of appearances and fun doing it. >> can they participate again? >> we like to retire at the top. there is nothing better for him to win. >> steve: is he a celebrity? >> the canine mayor of palm springs. he has done a very good job. >> the great thing about westminster is anything can happen. there is really no way to call it. we talk about the westminster magic. part of it is no one knows how will it turn out. >> you were a judge when i met you and we got to interview you before the best in show and you
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came in the car, you couldn't hearing anything or talk about it and how we met. >> that's how we met. that has never happened before or since. >> steve: how many rollers do you go through? >> i own stock. >> the beyonce of all dogs. >> brian: do you know what's hot this year? >> 2500 champions from all over the world. in the ranking systems they do to top ten in seven groups. almost every one of the top ten dogs in the group is entered in the westminster. the contest is really steep. >> ainsley: was this is your family? >> not me. i saw it on tv and thought i would do it one day. >> i grew up in it. >> steve: watch the westminster
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dog show starting saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. >> yes. >> we'll be live tuesday with dawn and the dogs for the beginning of the championship. >> steve: this is a big week for you. today is your birthday right here. >> dawn was with me on my birthday last year. every year coming up. >> absolutely. >> i love you. >> especially today. >> we love you, too. >> happy birthday. >> i think there is a map in my forecast. thank you for making it a wonderful day. >> brian: janice would really like a puppy. go get her a puppy. >> are you listening? i'll eat the cake first.
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>> should we all sing janice happy birthday? [singing happy birthday] >> thank you. bye, everybody. >> that's all you need to do on your birthday. >> you need to prank call her on your broadcast. >> the first guest is bret baier and talking about everything else breaking and what's happening at the border. >> don't forget the dog show tomorrow. have a great day. >> bill: good morning, everybody. here we go now. donald trump will enter the new york city courthouse in nt


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