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tv   Documentary  RT  April 28, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

3:30 pm
the, the, [000:00:00;00] the issue with the most, the,
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most of the, most of the sort of the stuff people to pick up the, to the get the skis before you think that it was of them go to the bottom of the order. so let's put this. all right, just click on the
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the, the several, coca cola outside also i know that as the book small already some way english community. so wanted to give a political position. so i guess candles could get me on with the dish your while the video for the, for the homeless. so the, so that is the show thing. a sort of this is the level of thought of somebody. so you have to develop somebody else. the customer left a couple other discuss to finish just item yourself and go for the sort of living to us. i still do not know just picking that on a multi site, you know, so we didn't as us of his opinion for just visible probably. okay. does anybody certainly just go to some of the initial position you can go to the cisco the was really cool book, went to the store and i said best buy the mobile. this could also go, worship going was on your poster,
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was still gonna have to do it. you consume the tool, shed the 1st the 1st. so really strange it to be a list of us. those all say i'm getting it done. that's a good problem. but if you want to shoot the school 1st, just don't let me know, but you guess it doesn't, i'm not sure which way to ship it as well as i post them. extend it on zillow. a lot of the other side of the list of the muscle thought for some of the some of them solution is what is there? let's go what is sort of like a floor store because of the way companies or them different story, of course that they're cute, this new i think kind of set up a list of good things just for the the 1st stuff which are the fish and it pretty much the so program and i was kind of got off the horse and i was given you know,
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pretty much of the position just some of which was the code show for the fall not built this route. let me go to the list that i want you to shift to go the little bit suit the like in the cities, but the up it will. so just give a little bit of things to do. so in just your concept, the more you will check ups, so to supplement your pets, so to expect what you have. so that's what the official is. all stuff was most about. i naples breakfast with the pictures and look if it's probably going to put you up with the fluid is the issue. going to go into the site. it doesn't, did you see websites to run the village?
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they don't know because it, it will show it to, to see me to somewhere else or somebody please. so talk isn't please push to closing. jessica and my i, those numbers are somewhat different. but of course, you notice that the professor showed that i missed the special ed bus for post spite a couple years. but the, the additional so i was just, i want to be asleep because he was because to be too much to use for the, you know, just for some advice is on that just the young because i'm to go this yourselves eventually sweet. but what is the song of the book to perfect because i much stuff by the minute i'm going to see him in the property of me, but let's go, i'm up to the bottom sort of the 1st thing of this,
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i suppose, a part of the final decision a personal shift, that's great. okay. what's the customer through? scott said that the 1st person who does the feasible personally. sure what the cost of that is that you've actually been taken up to the level of coverage. so i can go ahead and talk. i'm gonna send you a little shuttle someone else comes with a solution for the little i guess a lot of i was originally thought about with a sore thumb fetch position available inside your score supervision. your company is visiting a screen. okay. that was almost like talking with the article federal people she has set up the the support of thoughts. cool, cool. what sort of shifting the total. ready so i'm thinking that the weight center for lots of other ok don't pass off because i can also propose, i've got that i'm showing
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a lot of shooting of the car because it was very simple salsato's which was uh no, no. so what are you interested in? the thing is don't bother us up into the place. those are the principles off with the needs of this just somebody on there. but you can let people connect with the same number. you say that there's a number, so nobody's strength. so the steps, think of which customer don't. facility just found a bunch of the custodians that you purchased by many of the customer. it was a look up dep investigator. he will get the pretty, beside the point of this funny or such as a deal with the stuff, some stuff that was a little so a 1000 to want to give a little talk for what you'll do. let's book stuff like if you don't mind, if you don't know,
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i'm gonna show. but i still really should have ful mooney the just the way to a different window because a source of the comment that others on. if we've done a system with some as much as a very steel to get the stuff, we also have the engine pop into a box for the cisco for activity. for me, i need them to produce like someone to know who you should do. a problem for english. so the shape though, of course, in the village, are you going to joe? that's a good option for this. so i do like the houses in which way the goal is to get someone to, to innovate. okay. chuck, this picture a little difficult to implement. i think of with us thing like, i mean, i just looked at the video because i symptoms such as someone at the civic for college. i'm guessing, like, i mean,
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if i did the but during the day when you read it's, it's going to something, may i please? i mean there's a way the i was under just to say all wheel was a slip on 3. so that's got the actual function for the lowest. elizabeth should be what someone difficult is going to do. pacific poor little tricky a. there's lots of like a 30 some of at the college, but they're getting, you know, support of the signature, strict digital video. and it's up to somebody focused on myspace. is called the little shop for new services. right. so the logistics of a total of the social cost. i'm to place it kind of thoughts to post office office with the trim level because those are your options. ownership. this typical somebody else in the local. so it was,
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it was the one of those someone looked on some of somebody else and so about his union failed us. that's about some of the little further assist you in general. which of the, from the show made and that this will recently sold for the other it was like the session of the performing things that with us with i'm sure this was the most important for those issues. but the which involved up again for the support for the zip codes, which was the dealer stuff guess so. so what i showed up at open position was just this one way or the specialist for a patient, but just put them into a sphere which a little bit of sort of look this up to assessment, feel simple sales for the storage unit that it's on the on the beach of such as much like sales or oversight, someone professionally,
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it's kinda like it depending deducting another excuse that it was invited, but as just diffuse to please give the cigarette up those gifts. let's push the bush with them. and lots of folks supplement which are here, so it's not sufficient, but still some of the strongest of impressions stick up. so with fresh surveyor use me, think them address for personal i get all of all that stuff that you're going to go to sort of this the 1st thing a desktop electric will do some of that in your textbook. give us the finish or the 1st for so look at that. you want somebody to post the extra money, isn't it? the lawyer said to printing the this
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will have to go with the source to this is this good can, doesn't between the end of the global. so less 2 point perspective for somebody to squish and ultimately discard. i'm not sure which the data is this a different data shift or to shipping or useful? whichever one is pretty much stressful to the businesses or services which, which we'll talk about. the 1st one is less than what you're going to want this with us talking to the next couple of the missed. but for, for the new, for you with 2 point, what would you like us to initialize introduction to the thing they were supposed to do? right. and if i looked at the zillow proposal, 1st, the frontier is how that can simple the flow for breakfast of a set of the slow trouble. otherwise,
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the 1st level of this is obviously if so, but you need your ship separate the little bit this the sure things, especially your modeling capacity, which store was very special thoughts. let me just do a capacitance of the, the rest of the toner or system. but i'd love to sort of sit back and i was just trying to get to the bottom of the toner, the and that's what this will be. so it's almost on this cut, the area some of the lowest. and due to me, it is the cause of chalk or your ceiling, or if it were assuming you, you have to see mr. bruce. it's different to just assume list. but this idea is that the way for the, for new total supplements and you have if i presume you have a representative,
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you don't live and we do to push us to them for the to be honest, i need dealing with drug michel disposal of the the the
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the men do not so now and that should be where we just put it on the covers football to the dividend. so thoughts thorsten here, so easiest me. i think if the to the new bush cellphone, right. my i see that the menu was split. that i got the results capable to screw
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the the man or the boat was started to assure the preferred you once possible. for me, it will start to sort of over stuff that because searching and watch such as not for total brain of the rest of us legal for a contract to those to come get over to the new system. not stover. to finish the young introduction to and wanted to go to products and you can reach me at my
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extension. you may have someone who is very serious just referred you to my choice to utilize their setup and waste, who missed to williams. because i know in the clubs justin schedule on both sides of the 3. yeah. i'll put the almost over, but the question actually is talking about is not that can use up for subject besides, the kid shows up some of the homework. smart enough, there's on when vision to choose and i see on the 8th day, i was not for them, especially if it were a problem across initially optional from what somebody in the fish on because of the federal was and this be on the, on the rest of your day, you for the slush coming monday, can see a couple years old and with the students, no record and that the boy just over to you and you just deal with the i you know, do not still not get away even activities to that. my mom for that is daniel bowling, sean,
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it will upset or down us and choose by reducing the people 5 or the feed used as the store to show for delta and wanted to get all my temple shields in junior blue or yeah, because also this was the that's a bit on the felt the just, it's not coming out. i normally happens and you'll get the not the most out of here . and we'll just as a citizen was session of the saw the is night. or you're not the 1st day of loans to come and get on the producer or the so was hoping, you know, pull up for some of the sites. they're supposed to get an union and which city doors. so i know in the process but i'll document. yeah, file when will change, you know, before and i mean we've seen it before interested in now. if there's like the good on modern story now, to assert ventures by capable here think a lot. the patient is the splitting your thoughts, the solution,
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including the theme and the most uh we should thoughts marketer share, we stoned and agree to these thoughts. and that has coverage on the for the to, to give you a different spin. same last person in there for some innovative moines. but give sure those are both of them just our store to check on the most the most just so for so that and i get all this was on your own, gets done. i'm thinking you have to grow our solution stuff for us to pull the city down randomly on the site your job to store 1st time you have to store just about done with us. so was interested in a video shown quibble version or even a journal. i'm not sure which let me, i think in particular products the we're, we're in
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a full circle ask because we have to use this number for the discussion of full report is due as well. but ultimately i was on the way in the, near when i saw someone just took the shift from the federal risk, we will continue to hold up the quote, close my portion of across the country. all right, your soul source and whatever landscape, screw the light source on the main move. so the somebody with the school, the beautiful, the system local, lower the company and encouraging of the voice to for the
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for the most failure with one of the colors. so i'm pretty different on it. so tools, conditional stuff on here. so easiest thing is last company to say it was 0 is just filling up the premium for you for oh, queens, cuz that allowed zillow was. and then a bunch of attrition offices will spin around this pool. all the locals will come lots of lots on visiting and will of us the show which the physical thing to sit on
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the phone hold on so sure. yeah. awesome. cool. so this was season, you get to them and you go and then we'll just following this up with the real special look on machine to come up. if i did a single says come on destiny, then you or you put me on the spot, all of them. or there's also there's got water requirement to levels and bends source 3 bar special losses imagined in las amigos codes. so what apply mail 0. yeah, for the 369 in the middle of the initial mobile on the phone, just for specials here. so i'm a customer beautiful full screen more. she little last little commercial, a cover for much less. you know,
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i need to go for the whole concept little permit. so, so i'm, i'm assuming that show a mile to sleep assistance. i was crazy experience. the whole concept come up with most of the 3 for i am instead of full digital the whole edition or within the system, the organ was 3 or 4. children could also postables use them both on the machine, is that right? and so those 2 things can, should come up as a cause. i mean, there's all kinds of tools or something or something up that you know where you're in. so some screens around and then what's across the way as counter stays that mean it's fairly easy. skip or skin the only thing that has to turn to solve the problem the,
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the cause of the lung until we chose the settlement that they hold to the national heroes. the wasn't machine will do it yourself who show in the approach to still doing so that i missed the child's most close, close flushes from below to the sun coast. costco a show of show school come on that will change image prospects for you. and then for the course fit in the magic when it gets low, isn't a china type of thing to send you a webpage in, in which edition you're not. but i really want them to work on sending show de moines on the phone,
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but also she'll cornerstone. i've done care if the corporate speak to a guy came in the way in a solution. what just now some of the most costco shops will colonda which initial solve the problem that show. and then we'll turn the visual mr. thoughts is great and then look one of the most sign a contract. last part of the one that will show us we are stored as full face photo, which shane forward, sheets. and i'm not gonna know it's showing me now which number number also immunization or the for numerous spoke a not a valid reason to say i'm not sure thing. it's the what is just to dump the song that it wasn't your the routine maintenance dish. the dish finance
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the go up in the loan, there's a that you and they teamed up into the show co estate as a plugin where my support federal austin, a bunch of numbers on the video which it is wants more photos. i mean, you don't the, the, the, i'm going to put on the yeah, the samples put into colon happened is power as much as the control systems to, but it will clear to it's finding the willow which is fast enough to find them in the face of the pod across the fist, the lash savannah, you will miss to interested to know if someone would be
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a new one. the will quidditch post civil pod, so they put in the pitch of the chum, the motors as a new winning symbolist. gotta show us. there's no way of spinning was seen as the pick us do not to suffice things through additional testing. so from most of the invoice or in the was it varies or interests and other nips and after starving is a little poignant sign is an edge salesman. it shows the good times and i'll get you in that quad said i and i am on line for changing the trend of class. he doesn't belong the much as i'm done yet. so we engage
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just with this. most of nothing you would do to stay in the hotel and when brought there, what you need to do is to convert styles to do to doing with them with an interest when the national a difficult which was totally but difficult. let's go. can you put the attention to the thing that us post and if that is the same low, unfortunately, that's not going to upset to floor. so in your social for chose the most. and so the,
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the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians coding and split the ortiz full neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube said this was for the question, did you say it's a request,
4:00 pm
which is the this hours headline stories, the world's largest food and drinks company faces scammed all over allegations it's selling. it helps clear baby food to western nations and supplying developing loans with alternatives, packed with sugar, and our tea speaks with an african physician, is accused nestle of negligence. it has a lot of health education, negative health implications for richard turbulent times for boeing as a tire falls off of its jets in general. mintzberg. it is the latest take these here for the seemingly scandal pro paragraph makers. and it's 25 years since
4:01 pm
nate. so turn journal this into targets by forming the main


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